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Forget Dealership Maintenance

The Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act of 1975 protects your rights as a consumer to have maintenance performed at the service center of your choice (hint: that’s us). For more information, see the Federal Trade Commission’s explanation.

So, what'll it be?

[wvc_parallax_holder y_axis=”-120″ smoothness=”10″][wvc_service_table i_icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-flag-checkered” add_icon=”true” services=”Upgrades and Performance.” title=”Customize” background_image=”6173″ link=”|title:Service||”][/wvc_parallax_holder]
[wvc_parallax_holder y_axis=”-120″ smoothness=”10″][wvc_service_table i_icon_fontawesome=”fas fa-cogs” add_icon=”true” services=”Quality H-D Parts” title=”Parts” background_image=”6494″ link=”|title:Parts||”][/wvc_parallax_holder]
[wvc_parallax_holder y_axis=”-120″ smoothness=”10″][wvc_service_table i_type=”elegant-icons” i_icon_elegant-icons=”ei-tools” add_icon=”true” services=”Oil, Tires and peace of mind.” title=”Maintenance” background_image=”4939″ link=”|title:Maintenance||”][/wvc_parallax_holder]

[wvc_testimonial_slider slideshow_speed=”6000″ nav_bullets=”false” nav_arrows=”false” css_animation=”fade”][wvc_testimonial_slide text=”These guys were great. Very welcoming, very friendly. They gave me a great recommendation for new tires. They also performed an oil change and replaced the front brake pads. Their initial estimate of the work was accurate. They finished the work when they said it would be done and they communicated with me during the process. I couldn’t ask for better customer service. They have earned my future business.” name=”Paul G.” avatar=”4219″][wvc_testimonial_slide text=”Jeff and his crew are the best! I own new and old Harleys, these guys can fix or modify anything.” name=”Rob W.” avatar=”4219″][wvc_testimonial_slide text=”I’ve always had good work done here (roller cams in 2014, and brakes, oil changes and new front and rear tires earlier). Don’t think the dealership would have sent me on my way this cheap and quickly! I’ll be back (again).” name=”Michael C.” avatar=”4219″][wvc_testimonial_slide text=”They get you on and out with top quality work.” name=” Mark S.” avatar=”4219″][/wvc_testimonial_slider]

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